Network Processes

New Network Processes

In September 2022, the SSNGM conducted a gap analysis exercise to identify process gaps between the previous Scottish Genetics Laboratory and Molecular Pathology Consortium and the new SSNGM.  Work is ongoing to bridge these gaps and develop new business as usual processes for the network. Details on the new processes that have been developed by the SSNGM is outlined below.

Scottish Genomics Test Advisory Group (SG-TAG)

The Scottish Genomics Test Advisory Group (SG-TAG) has been established to advise the SSNGM on which tests should be performed in Scotland or be available to the Scottish population. The SG-TAG replaces the functions of the previous Molecular Pathology Evaluation Panel (MPEP) and Germline Evaluation Panel(GEP). A national framework has been agreed to ensure that genomic services take a “Once for Scotland” approach and provide testing that is safe, easy to use, and effective. The SG-TAG reviews newly proposed genomic tests and make recommendations on the clinical utility and validity of these tests.SG-TAG has two sub groups, one for cancer testing and one for rare and inherited disease testing. More information on the work of each of these groups can be found on our SG-TAG pages: SG-TAG Cancer and SG-TAG Rare and Inherited disease

Scottish Genomic Test Directories

The Scottish Germline and Molecular Pathology Test Directories contains a list of all services currently available in Scotland.The test directory contents and processes are currently under review by the SSNGM however, the most recent version of the directories can be found here for information.

Horizon Scanning

A key part of the work of the SSNGM is planning for forthcoming testing requirements. Using horizon scanning, also known as environmental scanning, the SSNGM can better understand any future changes to the genomics service and their implications. The SSNGM Horizon Scanning Group has been established and is currently in the phase of gathering information to help forecast future testing requirements and predict how various factors may impact demand.

Send-away tests

SSNGM laboratories provide both genetics and molecular pathology testing services for the population of Scotland. More information on each of these centres can be found on our Scottish Genomics Laboratories page. A number of ‘core tests’ take place in all four of the centres and other specialist tests might be performed in one or two laboratories for the whole Scottish population. Some tests may be available for people in Scotland but are performed by laboratories in other UK nations. The SSNGM is currently working with each of the laboratories to review the send-away test process.