About us


The SSNGM was established in August 2022 to provide a seamless, sustainable, and scalable genomics service for Scotland now and for the future. The SSNGM aims to bring together genomics expertise and interest from across the NHS, academia, industry and the third sector together under a single network. The network supports the planning, finance and improvement of service change to achieve better patient outcomes and more efficient service delivery models in Scotland.


In September 2020 the Scottish Government made a commitment to the Genome UK Strategy, which sets out the long-term agenda and priorities for genomics across the UK. The development of the Genome UK strategy has emphasized the need for a long-term implementation plan to take forward areas of the UK strategy that are appropriate for Scotland and identify areas for collaboration with other nations.

In recognising the need to have a strong, robust decision-making structure in Scotland for Genomics the SSNGM was established, hosted by NHS National Services Division (NSD).